The EGO Collection Tractor benefits from efficient grass collection into a large rear 300 litre collection box to maximise cutting times. Optional accessories: 1 x Mulch Plug (AMP3800T)
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This 98cm ride-on collection tractor benefits from efficient grass collection into a large rear 300 litre collection box to maximise cutting times. EGO's ride-on mowers deliver the equivalent power of a 22-horsepower petrol engine, with less noise and none of the emissions.
The development of EGO’s new ride-on mowers range is a testament to the ground-breaking success of the EGO Z6 ride-on mower. The world’s first battery-platform compatible zero-turn ride-on mower proved that the combined power of EGO’s revolutionary ARC Lithium™ batteries could more than match petrol-powered equivalents. Also utilising up to six EGO ARC Lithium™ portable batteries, EGO’s new Ride-on Tractor Mowers are set to equal the success of the EGO Z6 series. Allowing you to not only match the amount of energy you need for your mowing needs but also, to use the same batteries with other EGO tools.
You can tailor the combination of batteries to suit the size of your lawn and grass cutting preferences, while fully customisable digital controls give you the flexibility to match set-up and performance to the job in hand, cutting up to 2.5 Acres on a single charge*.
Optional accessories: 1 x Mulch Plug (AMP3800T)
*Run time may vary based on the batteries used, charge level of batteries, condition of grass and user’s operation technique.
The development of EGO’s new ride-on mowers range is a testament to the ground-breaking success of the EGO Z6 ride-on mower. The world’s first battery-platform compatible zero-turn ride-on mower proved that the combined power of EGO’s revolutionary ARC Lithium™ batteries could more than match petrol-powered equivalents. Also utilising up to six EGO ARC Lithium™ portable batteries, EGO’s new Ride-on Tractor Mowers are set to equal the success of the EGO Z6 series. Allowing you to not only match the amount of energy you need for your mowing needs but also, to use the same batteries with other EGO tools.
You can tailor the combination of batteries to suit the size of your lawn and grass cutting preferences, while fully customisable digital controls give you the flexibility to match set-up and performance to the job in hand, cutting up to 2.5 Acres on a single charge*.
Optional accessories: 1 x Mulch Plug (AMP3800T)
*Run time may vary based on the batteries used, charge level of batteries, condition of grass and user’s operation technique.
AKU VÕIMSUS JA ÜHILDUVUSEGO annab teile iga töö jaoks vajaliku võimsuse. Meie 56 V ARC Lithium™ aku on tehniline ime, mis on igal tasandil konkurentidest üle ning on võimeline ületama bensiinimootoriga masinaid. Kõik meie 56V ARC Lithium™ akud sobituvad kogu EGO akusarjaga - nii on Teil olemas üks aku igale tööriistale ja igale tööle.
VASTUPIDAVUS JA JÕUDLUSTuruliidrite hulka kuuluva Chervoni kontserni ettevõttena oleme uhked oma tavade ja praktika üle, mis tagavad meie toodete kõrgeima võimaliku standardi. Tegelikult oleme oma tööriistade kvaliteedis ja jõudluses lausa nii kindlad, et pakume professionaalsete ja kodukasutajate poolt ostetud tööriistadele ja akudele tööstusharu kõige pikemaid garantiiaegasid.
KESKKONNASÕBRALIKKUSEGO mõtleb jõudlusest kaugemale. Meie eksperdid püüavad järeleandmatult uuendada tööriistu parema maailma nimel. EGO 56V ARC Lithium™ akud ei ole mitte ainult paremad kui kütus, vaid ka paremad keskkonnale. Aidake meil juhtida Euroopat akutoitel tulevikku ja pühenduda arukamale ja rohelisemale viisile.